The SCHADENMUEHLE was first documented in 1348 and was located in the suburbs. It received its name from the family Schad. According to a dated notice in a document the Dorer family held formerly the name Schad. In 1368 there was the big town fire. On July 9,1386 during the Sempacher war, the Schadenmuehle and the entire suburb was burned down by the Swiss Federal troops. 1415 Conquest of the Aargau by the Swiss Federation. In 1425 the Schadenmuehle paid again town taxes. In 1444 Zuerich attacked Baden . Hans von Rechberg moved with 1500 mounted troops (Reisigen) into the town's vicinity behind the Schadenmuehle where they demounted and approached the gate through the Baregg and through a trick then conquered the town. Hansen Mueller, the Mayor, was killed and on Dec.21 the Zuercher burned down the" Little Bath".In1445 plunder and burning of the "Big Bath". Peace came on July 13,1450 at the treaty in Einsiedeln. 1476 Battle at Granson in the Burgundian War,96 men from Baden took part on June 22 at the battle of Murten. 1478 Milan-War,1499 Swabian Wars. 1511 Italien War, June 6,1513 Battle of Novara ,1515 battle of Marigniano. The Bailiff (Governor) in Baden with his seat at the "Niedere Veste", changed every year between the 5 Cantons of the Conferacy.