NIKLAUS (Claevi) son of Claus, farmer and probably miller in Rifferswil 1489, 1492, 93 and 94 mentioned in the billings of the offices of Kappel. 1490/1500 in the Tax registry of Maschwanden, still mentioned without wife. 1493/91 as mentioned above commander under the French King Charles VII. 1508 Niklaus is mentioned with older "noticeables" in the village of Maschwanden. He was a mediator in the disputes between the Abbott of Kappel and the village of Ebertswil. 1510 councilor for Hans Knecht of Aeugst in a quarrel with Peter Lueti of Bremgarten. in 1512/13 when the bailiff of Knonau was sold by the "Junker" Gerold Meier if Knonau, he moved to Bremgarten where he lived at the river, apparently running a mill. In 1515, 16, 17 and 1519 mentioned in the tax registry of Bremgarten, where in 1519 he paid a higher sum and in 1517 and 19 did not pay any taxes at all. 1516 as the first BORSINGER listed in the town registry os Bremgarten.

BREMGARTEN is a lovely medieval town, built in a loop of the Reuss river which give's it a moat like protection extending almost 3/4 around the town and accessible by a still existing covered wooden bridge. In our youth we had no car and our mode of transportation was the bicycle. When I studied in Einsiedeln and later on in Zuerich I must have passed Bremgarten 30-40 times after which one had to go over the Mutschellenpass which we mastered most of the time on the saddle with a three speed bike, the distance from Lenzburg to Zuerich is about 40 km. During the Reformation in 1529 the municipalities of Bremgarten stood open to Zwingli's doctrine. A few were not satisfied with it and immigrated to Baden , which stayed Catholic. The name Borsinger most likely originates from Borsikon, the same as the name Hadlinger "dlinger" comes from Hadlikon, Bertschinger from Bertschikon etc. The one who left the hometown he descended from will receive in the new town a surname, which expresses the origin from where he came from. The family is first authenticated in BREMGARTEN in the tax book where we find NICLAUS BORSIGER on the brook in 1515, he paid 4 lb. 11 sh taxes and in1516 he paid 2 lb, and in1516 his name is in the town's registry and is still registered in 1519. At the same time the name of RUDOLF Borsinger appears as "zu Bremgarten". The tax book names him as "vssburger" in 1521,23 and 28 and HANS BORSINGER in1524 and 25,however "des Borsigers kind (the child of Borsingers) 4 sh 2 h". In the citizens register there are named also: 1535 RUDOLF Borsinger (added!) and HEINI B. also in 1541,43, 45 and 49. In 1543 under the heading "Buergersoehne" (citizens son) first UELI (Ulrich) Borssiger appears and is named as well in 1545 and 49,here with the marginal note: "sin burgkrecht vffgen gan Baden zogen 1549"(having given up his citizenship, and moved to Baden ).