HEINRICH is mentioned 1552-1559 and 1570 and in 71 is marked as dead. while since 1571 HANS B. appears and in1592 is of the XL council of the 40) and HANS ULRICH B. appears in 1580 and 1582. HANS Borssinger the "paperer" in 1579,June 7,bought from the cloister Hermetschwil the paper mill on the Reuss river and he mentions on June 24,1579 his cousin Hans Ulrich B. the butscher and innkeeper at the "Bear" who as innkeeper of the "Black Bear" appears on June 10. With the year 1580 the church books begin, according to them, on Sept.1, 1596 a Magdalena B. died and on Sept. 17 1635 a Hans Jacob B., chamberlain and pastor to Bremgarten, and on Aug.19 1621 Melchior B. husband of the Margret Strasser (married Jan.25, 1596) died Nov 16,1626 in the War in France. Verena B. married Peter Strasser (one child 3/25/1599 ). Magdalena B. married Heinrich Sager (one child May 1601) and Anna B. married the Joh.Caspar (one child 4/6/1603 ). From the Badener branch in the l8 century Jakob Borsinger (1664-1747) moved back to Bremgartem and had from two marriages offsprings, which, however, became extinguished during the same century. In the 17th century. Adelheid Borsinger (1620 - 1664) daughter of Andreas I, moved back to Bremgarten as Mother Francisca in a "sisters house" there. Her sister was Anna Maria (1609-1690) who became Mother Superior at the cloister "Maria Kroenung" in Baden . HANS, son of Niklaus had one son and one daughter they had no offspring's. Together with Niklaus Riesen he built a paper mill at Rotzloch in Nidwalden which lasted to about 1870.Maria-Ursula (1661), daughter of Johann Ludwig died in Bremgarten in l728, Jakob (1664-1747) became a citizen of Bremgarten, he had 6 sons and 6 daughters and this branch died out in the 18th century, one son was Franz Karl Joseph 1693 and one was Oswald Leodegar 1723. Going back to the local history we have to mention that in 1529 during the reformation the municipalities of Bremgarten stood open to Zwingli's doctrine. A few were not satisfied with it and migrated to Baden . When the governor (Bailiff) or Landvogt from Unterwalden,(catholic) was to take over his duty in the earldom of Baden , Zuerich and Bern (Protestant) opposed his appointment, but when Unterwalden, Lucerne and Zug put themselves on war foot to guide the bailiff under arms to Baden , Zuerich decided in June 1529 to retreat. Zuerich sent letters of renunciation to the five cantons and moved its main forces to Kappel. Both army's met but decided not to fight and in peace they ate together the so called "Kappeler milksoup" In 1531 the second Contra Reformation war started in Kappel where Zwingli was killed in the battle.