She originates from a carpenter family, had 11 brothers,sisters and stepbrothers. She met Kaspar while being an attendant at the psychiatric Hospital Muensterlingen and it seems that Kaspara from then on took care of her further education. He sent her to the French part of Switzerland for the language, then to the Schoeneck to its bath establishment. After the marriage at about 1881 she moved to Baden and lived in the Doctorshouse even after Kaspars death in 1907,but after the death of Lineli in 1920 she moved to an apartment at the Bruggerstrasse. Her son Caspar built his own house in Tafers in 1920 and she moved into the upstairs apartment but things did not work out and after that she lived with Rosli at the churchplace in Baden.She died at the age of 77 of arteriosclerosis and possible Ca of the liver