Borsinger Family Web Log

A BLOG that may interest people named Borsinger

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Venting of Political Stuff

Out Left leaning Daily Papaer – The Newark Star Ledger is becoming more reluctant to publish my centric letters to the editor – so here is another:
Dear Editor,

Back in the early part of this decade as I watched the likes of Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) put forth legislation and pressure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give loans to unqualified people, I wondered who would ultimately pay for their misguided social experiment that defied good financial judgment. It is now clear that the financial mess created by these politicians will ultimately be paid for by consumers who diligently pay their mortgages and did not overextend themselves. The $25 billion agreement by five big US banks on Thursday to bail out a few homeowners who overextended themselves will ultimately be paid for by those of us who use those banks. Yes it is tragic that people are losing their houses but let’s place the blame where it truly lies – with politicians who lack good financial judgment and who have constantly proven themselves irresponsible in managing the tax dollars we give them.

Gregory Borsinger

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 6:58 am  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Personal comments

It has been hard to write on this blog since the passing of my dad – but I needed to post some of the items that I have been sending to the papers – some of which they print others they don’t. Anyway here goes.


Dear Editor,

The waste and fraud associated with past government stimulus spending is starting to surface and the Obama administration is proposing taking more taxpayer money for the government to distribute. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Has our government gone insane? We have a spending problem in Washington not a revenue problem.

Gregory Borsinger


Dear Editor,

The government is spending more than they are collecting from the 55% of us who pay taxes and are borrowing, mostly from the Chinese and Japanese, about $0.45 of every dollar they spend. A good portion of what the government spends goes to the 45% of people who pay no taxes as well as to pay so called entitlements. Rather than stick it to the 2% of the population that makes over $250K a year and drive them out of the country (along with the people they employ) why don’t we have people who are receiving these benefits from the US government borrow directly from the Chinese instead of having our government do so? We would shrink the size of the government and the debt at the same time. If you do not think this is a viable alternative then what makes you think the Chinese will continue to fund our governments spending on these services? Let’s get real and get our spending under control.

Gregory Borsinger
Dear Editor,

The reporting of a N.J. judge suing to be exempt from budget cuts because he thinks he is above other public service employees is more evidence of an out of control judicial branch. Over the years rulings by the judicial branch has resulted in increased taxes for all of us in New Jersey. Many of these rulings have been failed social experiments mandated by the judicial system and paid for by our tax dollars. Judges are public servants and should be subject to the same rules as other public servants. If judges want to make the big bucks they are use to they should resign and go back to their law firms. On that note, whatever happened to desperately need tort reform?    Sincerely,
Gregory Borsinger
========================================================Dear Editor,
All of the recent talk about the potential devastating effect of not increasing the national debt seems to ignore the fact that if we don’t get our debt under control we will wind up looking like Greece (or worse) in a couple of years. Our debt problem is a result of the Government spending more than they should be. We as a nation need to get our spending under control. Our ability to increase borrowing from China and other countries in order to fund our Government spending will not last forever and talks of tax increases only mask the spending problem. The Government should do the same thing we all have to do when we max out our credit cards – look at our budget and cut back. By not increasing the debt ceiling I think the world will get the message that we are serious about getting our fiscal house under control.Sincerely,
Gregory Borsinger
======================================================Dear Editor,
The recent ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court mandating that additional taxpayers’ dollars be thrown at failing schools will do next to nothing for those children. Talk with a teacher or go to a classroom in many of those districts and you will find that much of a teachers efforts are spent on activities such as trying to maintain discipline in the classroom, responding to school lockdowns and trying to find a way to engage parents to get homework done – none of which will be solved by the recent Court decision. This is another example of a liberal Court requiring taxpayers’ dollars be spent on a problem they have no idea on how to solve. There are ways to fix this – but is is more of a social problem than a monetary one. The Court would do more for these children if they mandated that parents be fined if their children do not complete homework!Sincerely,
Gregory Borsinger
Dear Editor,
Articles written by politicians related to school funding, such as that by Barbara Buono “The ‘new normal’ is inadequate for our schools” illustrate how our education system has become a political football. The idea that more money is the best way to improve education may be politically very attractive but highlights the fact that our legislative and judicial systems have one solution for any problem – tax and spend. There are many studies that show only a loose connection between spending and quality of education.  Why don’t politicians like Buono look to what has worked at private schools to improve education and reduce waste without increasing our tax burden? Things like school uniforms, getting rid of bad teachers/administrators and more parental involvement have all been shown to improve education at minimal cost. We should elect leaders that can adapt to the new norm of doing more with less and solving problems with creative solutions instead of the tax and spend mentality that is pervasive with most of our Legislature today
Gregory Borsinger
Dear Editor,The opinion by Superior Court Judge Peter Doyne regarding school budgeting will require more spending while not mentioning where the funding is to come from in a State facing an $11 billion deficit. This ruling will most likely result in higher taxes to support a judge’s opinion that more money will solve inner city education problems. We as taxpayers have no recourse but to pay the increased taxes resulting from these decisions. This is in essence taxation without representation. To resolve this I propose we pass a constitutional amendment requiring any ruling by the judicial branch that result in increased taxes to be placed on a ballot so we have a say in how our tax dollars are spent.

Gregory Borsinger

Dear Editor,

Most people realize that open and fair competition drives performance. It follows that good implementation of an educational voucher system will drive competition and improve performance. Schools that cannot step up to the increase competition will make way for better performing schools. The private sector deals with competition on an ongoing basis and it is what drives improvements and keeps us competitive.

Many tout increased spending as a cure-all for improving education. Looking at total dollars spent per student by location does not support this even if we could afford it. I believe there are deeper problems that need different approaches especially if, as I suspect in education, the problem is outside the process one has control over.

Most people also realize that Government rarely does anything efficiently be it education or healthcare. Our founding fathers established a government to support and not overburden the private sector. The intended role of government has been lost as it has grown out of control.

Let’s give the Governor Christie a chance to make needed changes to drive performance and limit the role government has in our lives.

Gregory Borsinger


Dear Editor,

Most people realize there are certain fundamentals that govern performance be it in education, health care or business. First is that open and fair competition drives performance. Thus, proper implementation of educational vouchers will drive competition and improve performance. Schools that cannot step up to the increase competition will go away and make way for better performing schools. This system has worked well for many years in Japan where students are allowed to attend the best schools they can get into regardless of geography. Reforms that increase competition will also help solve bloated administration costs where restricted competition has resulted in entitlements and complacency. The private sector deals with increased competition and underperformers on an ongoing basis. Those that deal effectively will win and those that do not will go away.

Second fundamental – throwing monies at problems is rarely a solution especially if the problem is outside the process one has control over. Increased spending is used by many politicians and judges when facing problems they do not know how to overcome. There are many cultures who came to the US with nothing (Cubans come to mind) and have excelled with the same level of education dollars as is spent on failing inner city schools. There is a deeper problem that needs a different approach.

Third fundamental is that Government rarely does anything efficiently be it education or healthcare. Our founding fathers knew this and established a government to support and not overburden the private sector. The intended role of government has been lost as politicians try to gain votes by taking our tax dollars and redistributing to their political benefit.

I believe Governor Christie understands these fundamentals and is taking actions that others in the public sector need to assimilate.

Gregory Borsinger

Dear Editor,

As part of grading Governor Christie one needs to think about the situation he was thrust into. This includes; 1. A faltering economy where many businesses are looking to move out of New Jersey where taxes are 2nd highest in the Nation*; 2. A State budget that past Governments managed like a shell game – borrowing from the future to avoid having to face balancing income with expenses; 3. A liberal judicial system that has mandated increases in taxes to support their judgments; 4. Public sector unions that for years have strong armed town and State governments to the advantage of their members and disadvantage of taxpayers.

One would be very naive to think a Governor could fix these problems without upsetting those who have benefited from the feeding troth. Give all this I would give the Governor a B+ as I am a hard grader and I think he could benefit from losing a few pounds.


Gregory Borsinger

Dear Editor,


Recent letters to the editor and articles in the Star-Ledger indicates that many still don’t get it – WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT! There is a new paradigm – we must all do more with less. This includes the Government and the public sector. Whining about how salaries are being cut or services reduced will not make more funds miraculously appear. Governor Christie made big cuts this year but faces an even bigger budget challenge next year. This is a tough adjustment for a Government that does not know how to balance a checkbook or for public employees who were use to big union’s negotiating fat contracts. Instead of whining about what is being taken away, why not suggest ways to cut Government spending and nurture an environment where businesses can create well paying jobs.

Gregory Borsinger

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 10:22 am  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Passing of a Great Man

Dr Guido Borsinger died today February 2nd 2010 on his 94th birthday. My Dad was a great father and loved by many. He painstakingly wrote the ABOUT section of the site that highlights several hundred years of the Borsinger family.

Dad died of cancer that caused him much pain and discomfort for the past 1 -1/2 years. The end was very peaceful and he now can look down upon all of us with that well known Borsinger stare.

May God be with you Dad – Love your son.

The Best Father a Son could ask for

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 7:54 pm  

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A new Borsinger initiative

Mindstorm Tutors is a tutoring service that is worth checking out if you need tutoring services in Northern New Jersey Morris County area.

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 9:59 am  

Friday, November 13, 2009

More on Healthcare

OK so I sent a few more Letters to the Editor at the Star Ledger on the Healthcare issue and I guess I am now officially on their IGNORE list. Most of the letters they do print are pro Obama Healthcare. So in an attempt to vent my frustration on this issue I sent letters to my Congressman and Senators. Below is the letter sent on Nov. 13th 2009. Enjoy and write your elected officials!

Dear Senator,

Regarding healthcare reform/cost reduction – What is being pushed by the Democratic left is simply another tax on an already overtaxed public. If you were truly interested in reducing the cost of healthcare you would focus on reducing the costs that make up healthcare. Real cost reductions would involve things like tort reform to reduce the enormous amount of frivolous litigation and unproductive costs to avert the possibilities of litigation; enforcing immigration laws so healthcare providers do not have to pay for healthcare for persons here illegally; creating more competition between insurers by removing interstate barriers…..What I see in the bill is a reduction in payments to healthcare providers! That is like me as a businessman telling my suppliers I will only pay them a fraction of what they are asking for – a joke. Some of my doctors are already threatening to quit the profession due to the high costs, long hours and poor incomes.

What worries me the most is the Chicago style, back door politics going on in the White House that resulted in the AARP and AMA backing for this legislation? What deals were cut and what is that going to cost us the public? If citizens were truly educated about what is going on in Washington there would be more than Tea Party revolts.

I also oppose any of my tax dollars going to help fund any form of abortion.

Please consider my opinions as I believe it is the majority opinion in New Jersey.


Greg Borsinger

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 7:37 am  

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Healthcare reform – letter to Senator Menendez

I recently wrote a letter to Senator  Menendez of New Jersey

Here is the letter – I suspect he is friends with the American Trial Lawyers Union and as such do not expect this to fall on receptive ears – but if enough people speak up – well maby!

Taking cost out of health care and making it more affordable is needed. Getting Government more involved in the process of managing health care is not the answer. Government should look at the cost structure of healthcare and create POLICIES and LAWS that reduce health care costs.

Having been involved in health care -I can confirm that a MAJOR driver to the double digit increases in health care is the LIABILITY and LITTIGATION laws and policy structure. What is needed to drive down health care costs is TORT REFORM. Bad healthcare providers should be provided with guidelines on how to become better – or be excluded from practice – not provide a gravy train for trial lawyers. The HIDDEN COSTS of liability laws and policies that have run amuck far exceed the actual amounts paid out due to litigation. It is a MAJOR DRIVER to increases in healthcare costs – just ask anyone in the business and you find that many healthcare costs and cost increases are rooted in liability concerns and costs.

Countries outside the USA laugh at our liability laws and wonder how businesses can survive under such obstructions. I urge you to focus on the ROOT CAUSES of increases in health care costs and take actions to improve the health care PROCESS and not get Government more involved in the managing of health care.

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 9:26 am  

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another Letter to Editor that did not make it

I recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Newark Star Ledger and was dissapointed when it did not publish. Given the content of the letter – I concluded that The Star Ledger probably has lawyers reviewing the letters and for that reason – it would never make to the press. So here it is:


Letter to Editor Newark Star Ledger


It is baffling to me that with all the recent discussions about control of medical costs there has been no talk of tort reform.  The proposed Government solution of reducing payments to doctors and hospitals seems absurd given that many hospitals are at the brink of bankruptcy and many doctors want to quit the profession. The American Trial Lawyers would have us believe that awards due to medical litigation are not a significant driver to medical costs. But those in the medical field know that hidden costs associates with medical liability are driving up medical costs. These include malpractice insurance costs (By 2003, medical liability costs reached $26 billion – a 2,000 percent increase over 1975 1) as well as medical procedures and tests driven by the threat of suits and not by medical needs. And why does a doctor now have to have 3 office assistants to handle the administration for a doctor? That was not the case 30 years ago when I visited a doctor.


The US liability laws are a joke to those overseas. What I would like to see is a study that adds up income for all the trial lawyers in the US – and then implement a good tort reform program that would cut out say 50% of that total. I am certain this would reduce medical costs by tens of billions of dollars. What we need to do with doctors and hospitals that commit malpractice is to get rid of them – not supply a gravy train for trial lawyers. We can also use some of the savings from Trial lawyers to better educate and train medical personnel.

Oh – I just remembered that the American Trial Lawyers are one of the Democratic party’s biggest supporters and most elected officials in Washington are lawyers – I may have answered my own question as to why there is no talk of tort reform!






Gregory Borsinger

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 11:33 am  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Borsinger contact

I received the following from Joseph Borsinger – I never met him but my dad has communicated with him for years and has tracked some of the geneology baack to Borsingers who apparently left Prussia back in the 1500’s for the New World. Anyway here is what Joseph has to say:

‘My family resides in Elgin, Illinois and South Elgin, Illinois,  I live in Champaign, Illinois.  ……. My parents lived in Valley Stream, N.Y              Glad there are plenty of Borsinger’s around Guido has communiated with my Family for years and he knows Joe & Serine Borsinger Family . I am his son and wish to add to the family names of Borsinger. My daughter Carol Jo had twins, Logan Thomas and Claire Suzanne, 12 years old and my daughter never married and kept the Borsinger name therefore my grandson Logan Thomas will carry the Borsinger name on.
Have a Healthy & Happy New Year

 Joe Alan Borsinger’

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 3:33 pm  

Monday, September 15, 2008

Time moves on

Wow – it has been a while since I last posted – guess I am not going to be able to retire based on my blog success!
Actually been busy – lots of work and trying to keep fit. Most of my ‘spare time writing’ involves ‘letter to the editor’. When I read something in the local paper that gets under my skin – I feel compelled to write the paper and let them know my thoughts. The Paper does a good job of validating the sender of the article – but I was surprised to find out that the editor takes considerable liberty in editing what I send in. Seems anything written that might be the least bit contested – is eliminated.
Just for the record here is the complete Letter to the Editor sent last month.

Letter to Editor Newark Star Ledger

I had the following response to your article on “Affordable –housing pledge clashes with Highlands Act’ – DUH – of course it does!!

‘Affordable housing’ is being used as a misguided acronym in attempts to make more palatable the acts of the Coalition on Affordable Housing (COAH). COAH is the result of several NJ Supreme Court judgments in the 1970’s and 80’s that forced towns to abandon local planning and abide by what the Judges thought best for the towns. I am quite sure the judges that decided to force overdevelopment and raise taxes to support their social experiment did not consult geological experts to see if there were enough natural resources available in the most densely populated state in the country. Most of the ‘experts’ in the case at the time appeared to be what I will term ‘social planners’. In any case, our knowledge of natural resource limitations has advanced much since their rulings.

Naturally those representing the building lobbies will now claim that the Highlands Act needs to be thrown out. The problem is that regardless of political lobbying and lawyers with robes on playing social experiments, nature has give us limited natural resources, including water. That has and will not change. Passing laws or judgments today that force overdevelopment will only come back to hurt future generations who will suffer from increased air pollution, lack of clean water and overcrowding. Not to mention higher taxes for supporting the infrastructure that goes along with development.

I would propose that COAH needs to be thrown out. Consider this if COAH is not repealed – at some point in the future, New Jersey will be paved over with no more developable land anywhere and the present guidelines of COAH will continue to force more development. It can not continue.

We are a democratic free market society. COAH smells of socialism and is the result of unelected judges overstepping what our founding fathers envisioned as a balance between Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. Judges should not be allowed to make judgments that force increase in taxes without the consent of elected officials or the public. Our Founding Fathers fought King George to overcome taxation without representation. We should consider the same for judges that do the same.

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 5:39 am  

Thursday, October 12, 2006

About the Borsinger website

Just wanted to mention that the Borsinger family tree ( see ) is hardly complete. I have a very large paper document that has many more generations listed – but for which I have not found a good way to transform into a web page document.

Also the ‘About Us’ section ( see ) has some 30 odd pages as of this date – but again is not complete and I have revisions pending.

posted by Gregory Borsinger at 6:30 am  
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